There are people who dream about events that they never experienced
Explanation 1: reincarnation
Explanation 2: collective memory
Explanation 3: something read or T.V. seen
Explanation 4: genetically transmitted (usually no adequate explanation)
Explanation 5: demons
Explanation 6: mind can travel in time
Explanation 7: a creative mind sleeping
All with a question mark.
Does a collective memory exist?
Rupert Sheldrake had the idea, that a collective, even global memory exists in which each animal can
tuck his knowledge and experience. Anyone can draw from that database.
The input and output run automatically through morphic resonance.
An example. In the morning some problem has been solved by some people. The thinking and solution
comes in the collective memory. This allows others to solve the problem easier in the afternoon.
In the past milk bottles with a stopper were provided at the doors. Often they were put down by the
door. Sheldrake had the idea that he saw more and more tits were able to open the milk caps from
bottles so they could drink the milk.
Biologists watching the behavior of the birds could easily explain their behavior as an act
which the titmice were accustomed to do: open picking seeds and nuts.
This is an example of a scientific mis-hit. There were more in history. For example:
earlier in time than Galileo people were convinced that a heavier object fell faster than a lighter
thing. Experiments showed that two smooth objects always came down with the same acceleration.
It turned out the antique conception was an absolute mistake that managed to maintain one thousand years.
Some people think still about it wrongly!
Literature about the collective memory
Rupert Sheldrake, The presence of the past. London: William Collins, 1988.
James Fisher and R.A. Hinde, The opening of milk bottles by birds. British birds, vol. 42 (1949) p. 347-357.
R.A. Hinde and James Fisher, Further observations on the opening of milk bottles by birds.
British Birds, vol. 44 (1951) p. 393-396.
D.F. Sherry and B.G. Galef, Cultural transmission without imitation:
milk bottle opening by birds. Animal Behaviour 32 (1984) p. 937-938.
Idem, Social learning without imitation: more about milk bottle opening by birds.
Animal Behavior 40 (1990) p. 987-989.
C.J. Nicol, The social transmission of information and behaviour.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 44 (1995) p. 79-98.